Thursday, March 28, 2013

email from a reader

"I just want to thank you for your book.  My 10 year old daughter is an aspie.  At first I cried my eyes out but now I see how amazing she is because of her differences.  my biggest issues are school and the fact she is most of the time left out.  It breaks my heart to know she is alone.  I just want to help and improve her life more if I can.  Again thanks for the book.  It is very well written."

USA print and ebook both available online

Thursday, March 21, 2013

email from a reader

"I just wanted to say thank you for writing this book. It will change lives! I can say now that you have changed mine. After seven years of being misdiagnosed, this year was the year I was diagnosed with high functioning autism.  Your book is the first that made a huge impact on me.  I want to thank you for that."

Sunday, March 17, 2013

email from a reader in wyoming

"I purchased this book yesterday and I absolutely loved reading it.  The illustrations and the stories blend so well. I feel that both of you were singing to the choir. I have felt this way all my life but I never could articulate it very well. I am not of the norm but so what. I don't think I would want to be. I am happy of what I can do. I get real tired of what others want me to do. I live in this body and they don't. I know when I tire and I know when I don't. It is so sad that this world teaches us that we have to be the same. I am different but I don't want to be like everyone else; it's too exhausting. I contribute as best as I can. I feel that I am very creative and I have asperber's to thank. I also have an excellent memory. My brother always teases me and says that I can remember when I was in the womb. I always say that God has lent me to me. I have to take care of this vessel until I am called home. Thank you again for this book. I will read it over and over."

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

email from a reader

"The book arrived today, and I found it compelling.  His description of his world and how he manages it makes perfect sense.  His ability to assess and describe other people is crystal clear.  I thought the illustrations were great, and they complement the narrative.  But the narrative was what drew in me in."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

email from an educator in alabama

"This is an amazing book.  It is insightful, funny, sad, positive and encouraging.  The drawings are amazing as well.  I love the format of looking like a child’s journal.    WOW, WOW, it is an awesome book!  I will be recommending it to everyone I know."  

vicki at wind city books in casper wyoming