Monday, December 16, 2013

a nice note from university of minnesota o.t.

"Cliff Meloy, Thank you for joining our occupational therapy class last month to share your story with our occupational therapy students. I wish I could have heard your talk, but students and instructors alike tell me of the impact of your presentation. I heard that the students were even spellbound! Stories such as yours impact our students’ learning in ways that far outreach anything we can do in traditional classrooms. Thank you!" - Peggy Martin

Saturday, December 14, 2013

meloy, rislov & cronin at the Sunrise Craft Fair

author casey rislov clutching L&S
photobomber vaughn cronin lurking
(how many copies of "catcher in the rye" does that guy own?)
casey's new book - "love is forever"
knowledge nook toys & books

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

email from a mom in houston

"Thank you so much for writing your wonderful book!  Our wonderful son also lives on the spectrum. He is 35 and lives in Denver. We have only known about Aspergers for the last 5 years. Your book was so insightful. I am so appreciative. I am planning on sending it to several friends.  Thank you very much." 

email from a teacher in baltimore

"I bought the book for friends of mine who have an adult son with Aspbergers.  When I sent it to them, I kind of wondered if they might have read enough books on the topic and might feel like there is nothing really new to say.  Well, I was wrong!"

Sunday, December 8, 2013

author event

zachary pullen, casey rislov,
c.g. meloy,
and nina mcconigley 

"cowboys and east indians" 
by nina mcconigley

"love is forever" 
by casey rislov

"francis and eddie"
illustrated by zachary pullen